BHJC Machinery iddisinja l-Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine għall-faxxa tar-roti li tipproduċi l-klijent

Makkinarju BHJC iddisinja l-Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine għall-faxxa tar-roti li tipproduċi l-klijent.Din iż-żgħira Shot Blasting Machine hija ddisinjata b'mod speċjali għat-tindif tal-faxxa tar-roti.

Fuq din ir-Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine il-meded tar-roti jitnaddfu malajr u l-effett huwa pendenti.Din il-magna hija l-aktar kost-effettiva għall-isparatura tal-faxxa tar-roti fost tipi oħra ta 'magni tal-blasting tal-isparatura, bħal magna tal-blasting tat-tip ta' ganċ u magna tal-blasting tal-mejda tat-tidwir.

Ikkuntattja lir-rappreżentant tal-BHJC għal aktar informazzjoni.
BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (1)

BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (2)

BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (3)

BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (4)

BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (5)

Ħin tal-post: Apr-12-2022